Eating Durian Fruit, the Smelliest Fruit in the World with Living OverSeas TV
Wow, 2017 was an amazing journey the globe. I visited Nepal, Greece, India, Sri Lanka and now I’m back to my hOMe away from hOMe base on the magical, tropical island of Koh Phangan, Thailand. Along the journey, I met up with the awesome Jim Kellett from LivingOverseas.TV. We paired up here in Thailand to give you a dose of island and spiritual life. In this video we share with you surprisingly tasty, Smelliest Fruit in the world! Ever hear of Durian fruit? Think creamy dirty socks… eww, yuk! How could this possibly taste good? But it does.

Durian fruit has the reputation of being the smelliest fruit in the world but people here in Thailand are addicted to it. It’s even called the king of fruits. In this video, we put it to a taste test along with the Thai persimmon and the rambutan. Come join me and Jim along with Kom Thongtan from Green Leaf Cafe, and find out what these fruits taste like in this video shot on location at Zen Beach on the magical island of Koh Phangan, in Thailand.
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I’ll be sharing spiritual tools and tips here on Shine Your Light as I journey across the globe to the core of the soul. So sign up for the newsletter on the bottom of this page. I’d love to have you virtually travel with me on the Soul Journey. And connect with me on Youtube Channel, and Instagram. In the upcoming weeks, I’ll share stories about my travels through India, Nepal, Greece and Sri Lanka. And of course, more meditation techniques and free videos.
Want to hear why I decided quit my high profile, high paying New York City and Los Angeles life to live a life overseas? Click HERE as I share my story of going Barefoot to Bangkok.
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