What Is Kundalini Yoga

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What is Kundalini Yoga?

Julie Jewels Bertrand Kundalini Yoga Meditation Healing Retreat Koh Phangan Thailand

The very nature of Kundalini is to raise your vibration. It opens the doorway to the light inside of you. And when that light shines upon you, it awakens you to a power equal to the magnitude of 108 suns! Removed are the shadows that once blocked your vision. It lifts the veil of your self-perceived limitations and you expand to a higher state of awareness, to your infinite self and infinite potential.

Does that powerful? Well that’s what Kundalini Yoga is. It is a master set of tools handed down by yoga masters generations deep and the best part is… anyone can do it! Whether you’re a mom, a student, a business executive, artist, new to yoga or a seasoned yogi.  And Kundalini Yoga is single handed the fastest way to unblock, calibrate and harness your own energy centers.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Words from Kundalini Master, Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Master, Yogi Bhajan said, “Kundalini yoga is a science which works on the seven chakras, the arcline and the aura. It works directly on the total energy, and that flow of energy has one simple way; either you sway it or it sways you. Either you are above the energy and ride it or you go below the energy and it rides you. With kundalini yoga you learn how to ride your energy, to experience it and penetrate any given situation to attain a balance.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1504290396583{margin-top: 50px !important;}”][vc_column_text]

Sacred Science

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Julie Jewels Bertrand Sacred Science“What is Kundalini actually? You experience it when the energy of the glandular system combines with the nervous system to create such sensitivity that the totality of the brain receives the signals and integrates then. Then a person feels the effect of the sequence of the causes…”[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Yoga of Awareness

In other words, man becomes totally and wholly aware. We call it the yoga of awareness. Just as all rivers end up in the ocean, all yogas end up raising the kundalini in man.” ~Yogi Bhajan[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The System

Kundalini Yoga looks and feels different from Hatha and Astanga Yoga. If you take Hatha class, you will certainly move your body. That’s the asana. I teach Hatha Yoga and have for years. It is powerful  Gypsy Jewels Bertrand Soul Journey Kundalini Healing and Meditation Retreat Koh Phangan Thailandpractice and keeps the body strong. But often times, the class is focused on the physical and leaves out key elements. Every Kundalini class utilizes meditation, mudra (sacred hand positions that activate the meridians), mantra (chanting of sacred word) pranayama (dynamic breathwork) and specific body movements that work on the body’s energy centers.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

My Personal Experience

The first Kundalini class I took left me completely and utterly confused. I felt something like a high.

Julie Jewels Bertrand Soul Journey Kundalini Healing and Meditation Retreat Koh Phangan Thailand

But it was very early on in my yoga path and I was not sophisticated enough to understand it. It took me 6 years to take another class. But when I did, I felt a bolt of energy rise up my spine and this time, I just knew, I understood. I was hooked. And my life changed… for the better! There has been no looking back. It helped me to release non-serving and harmful patterns that were not contributing to the betterment of my life, joy and my happiness. It’s become my strongest toolbox for elevation.


Simply put, Kundalini Yoga establishes your energy. It’s a work in rather than a work out.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The Science

Yogi Bhajan had explained it in both scientific and spiritual terms. “When the magnetic field is strong, you relate to emotions differently. You can choose to relate to someone, or disconnect from their influence. When your radiance is strong and you direct it to someone, they will want to talk to you and be around you in spite of great differences or pains. When man has the energy and he has the power through his psyche to relate or to forget, then he has nothing to worry about. The projection of his magnetic field will arrange the rays of his existence so that his psycho-electro-magnetic circle can organize all the surrounding magnetic fields in tune. In other words, the environment will operate in tune with his purpose.”[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The Spirit

“Let me say this in spiritual language. When the divine source that prevails through the man projects out the light of God, all darkness will go away. Wherever he shall go, there shall be light, beauty, bounty and fulfillment. These two explanations are the same, but one is in mystical language and the other is in scientific language. Kundalini Yoga is the science of changing and strengthening the radiance to give extended life and capacity.” Yogi Bhajan[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”DO YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE YOUR POWER?”][vc_column_text]

Kundalini Yoga Retreat 

Wouldn’t you like to make the changes in your life so you can live in a higher vibration?  

Would you like to learn this sacred science


I invite you to join me on a Journey to Your Soul. Come travel to the serine healing island of Koh Phangan, Thailand this January 29-February 5th.  CONNECT with your higher self, nature, different cultures and life-minded spirit seekers.

TOGETHER in a private villa, set in a lush garden of palm trees, birds and flowers, complete with infinity swimming pool, yoga shala and luxury, you will be guided through the system of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with the focus of healing old wounds. At the end of the retreat you will be given your OWN personal meditation that serves YOUR needs so you can continue to flourish and rise to your highest potential.

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Is it Money?

What is stopping you? Is it money? There are a number of packages available to suite your financial needs. I flew into Thailand on a $375 one way ticket. There are always deals by checking into Skyscanner or Google Flights. Message me and I can help you coordinate.

Are You Waiting for the Right Time?

I once hear a powerful quote by businessman Joseph B. Wirthlin that changed my thought process and actually encouraged me to move from my fear to my power. “Those who stand at the threshold of life always waiting for the right time to change are like the man who stands at the bank of a river waiting for the water to pass so he can cross on dry land”

Are You Afraid You Can Not Do It and You Will Look Foolish?

So many people say that to me. Listen, many people are new to yoga. In Thailand I teach classes sometimes up to 40 people. I always ask, “Who is new to Yoga?” I say at least half the hands go up. Then I ask, “Who is new to Kundalini Yoga?” And 90% of the hands go up. So YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE. I wasn’t a born yogi. I  was new to yoga at one time too. And one of my earliest experiences was at a yoga retreat, in Thailand! And that retreat changed my life. I invite you to make powerful changes in YOUR life.

Sign Up Now While Space Is Available

If you don’t do it now, then when? Someday you will wake up in your home, older and say… what if?Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain

Head over to the RETREAT PAGE NOW and take a Journey into your Soul.

[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Are We Connected? “][tb_block_text]I’ll be sharing spiritual tools and tips here on Shine Your Light as I journey across the globe to the core of the soul. Sign up on my Youtube Channel,  Instagram AND sign up to the newletter on the website if you want to virtually travel with me on a Soul Journey. And check out some of my favorite Kundalini Yoga Meditations in the Kundalini Rising Section of the BLOG.


Sign-up on the home page And get your FREE Chakra Balance Audio Meditation to get you into alignment.

If this material resonates with you, Share with someone else who you feel might benefit from it. We are all in this together. Because we may not have it all together, but together we can have it all.[/tb_block_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][tb_block_text]

A master set of tools handed down by yoga masters generations deep and the best part is… anyone can do it! ~Yogi Bhajan


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